why exponential?

The Gaussian-School of Higher-Arithmetic (1831, updated 2022); tutorial #6.

Why is nobody taught about the fundamental exponential basis of all arithmetic?

As tender infants we are indoctrinated into neo-Pythagorean flat plane arithmetic and the faulty illogical concept of subtracting something (one) from nothing (zero). We end up thinking  that the nonsense number they call minus-one is actually valid, instead of just an invalid but useful little dodge. By the time that we might make a real contribution to human understanding, our minds have already been drowned in an intellectual cess-pit. We get so used to the bad arithmetical smell that we end up hating any thought about reality; "negative number arithmetic is nonsense". Bookkeepers abandoned negative number arithmetic for double-entry over 2000 years ago, but the neo-Pythagorean "mathematical" cult thought (wrongly) that they knew better. The double-entry system shows that our accountants are not merely "bean-counters" because they teach that a negative asset is actually a positive liability. The real "bean counters" are our pathetic so-called "mathematicians".

Click on the above sketch to proceed with the arithmetic required for Quantum-Relativity.

For the derivation of the complex exponential number source plane, you can follow my tutorial #21.

MIIS stands for Machine (electronic calculator) Induced Innumeracy Syndrome.

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