The Gaussian-School of Higher-Arithmetic (1831, updated 2022); tutorial #21, page 1;
The Arithmetic of Clocks, page 1.
Before one could grasp the intimate relationship between the two closely associated effects of time-displacement and space-displacement, one first needs an introduction to polar-logarithmic arithmetic. This is a very tough subject for us because for all of the time of our lives until now, we have all been force fed on the neo-Pythagorean doctrine of a complex orthogonal flat numerical plane. This has its many uses of course, but is actually logical tripe. Being forced to learn utter nonsense cages the mind within a very tough mind-state to break out of. Once thoroughly indoctrinated into the deeply flawed complex flat orthogonal numerical plane, seeing beyond that so-called "logical" neo-Pythagorean claptrap, becomes almost impossible for us.
At the quantum mechanical basis level, the Universe creates a synthetic mirage of forward time progression by forcing historic events backwards into the past. The actual quantum time-state lies perpetually in the present at the observation-horizon of (or threshold of) time-now (an event-horizon).
Background photo; an hypnotically distorted view of "the Great Jewels of the Pleiades".
(At this trivial magnification, all distant stars should actually be represented by single pixels of light.)