The Meta-Cybernetic model, p2

The Meta-cybernetic Model of the Generic Human Mind; page 2.

My development of the meta-cybernetic model way back in 2012, came out of work done in AI in the mid 1980s. We built an artificial anaesthetist using just seven artificial neurons. After 1.5 million virtual years of synthetic training experience, our AI anaesthetist turned out to be more accurate and more precise than the best of the human kind.

In order to examine what can cause human beings to make mistakes, I built up a model of a complete neurological human being. The model was tested against the air crash investigation reports from hundreds of well documented air crash investigations. The model turned out to be powerful in explaining every proven case of pilot or ATC controller human error. The air crash investigators also have to study and employ psychology, all my meta-cybernetic model does is to in effect explain all this great work of the air crash investigation practical psychologists, but at the detailed neurological network level.

Confirmation of the above generic model of the human mind can be most quickly confirmed by this simple air crash report, documented on YouTube by an actual air pilot. Should one imagine that air pilots are either suicidal maniacs, utterly incompetent or imbeciles, then I for one must beg to differ with that view. They are more numerate and capable than all of our wildest dreams. Once the two flight-deck crew of Varig Flight 254 (1989) had decided that 270 magnetic was the correct course to fly to Belém and taken action upon that by electing to fly 270 magnetic for 50 minutes (the so-called action confirmation bias), then hell can freeze over but they become no longer capable of understanding the faintest thing about what had actually gone wrong for them. Had I been on board, then I would have written a note to the captain asking him why he had been flying West into the setting sun for nearly an hour while Belém is a short 40 minute hop to the North of Marabá, but I was not on board.

A full meta-cybernetic analysis of what went on in that cockpit with just two people for just three hours could easily fill a substantial book. There is an amusing deep fractal analogy between what went on in that cockpit for three hours back in 1989 and the entire human race for the last 1800 years. This has been ever since the “discovery” by Diophantus of Alexandria of the clever Chinese dodge of using negative numbers. In fact Hero of Alexandria had showed the square root inverse-one (-1) about 200 years earlier, so what Diophantus had "invented" there was nothing but sheer unadulterated human hubris and a piece of blatant academic plagiarism. 

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