The Meta-Cybernetic model, p3

The Meta-cybernetic Model of the Generic Human Mind; page 3.

Enter the meta-Cybernetician.

The model allows for certain individual thinkers to be meta-cyberneticians. Anyone could be a meta-cybernetician, it does not usually require great intelligence. It is just that most people simply wish to conform and agree with everybody else. Meta-cyberneticians are socially disruptive, society would just not work at all if most people acted as meta-cyberneticians. A good example of a socially disruptive and unwanted meta-cybernetician is a conspiracy theorist. The conspiracy theorist invents an artificial logical problem which does not really exist and then solves the non-existent puzzle with his daft conspiracy theory. The place where a meta-cybernetician is essential is where everybody agrees that there is a problem and then a meta-cybernetician can offer a solution to the puzzle that other people could examine and trial-adopt that to find out if that solution helped them. 

For example; everybody ought to be aware that Einstein's special theory of relativity and the observation of instant action at a distance in quantum entanglement do not concur. We must run with the actual physical observations and ignore Einstein's special theory. We require a meta-cybernetician to come along and explain Einstein's misunderstanding. This is not going to come from an established theoretical physicist, those people are basically just physics-establishment yes-men or lunatics. Proof that that was never going to happen is that it is now 52-years since the first laboratory confirmation (Clauser and Freedman 1972); the establishment physicists and the wild lunatics have had enough time and have utterly failed to explain the tiny and absurdly simple adjustment required to correct the logic of Einstein's special theory.

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