the simple-arithmetic of nature 2

The Gaussian-School of Higher-Arithmetic (1831, updated 2022); tutorial #12.

Decrypting the flat arithmetic of the Universe from the ENN fount.

Decrypting from the ENN-theory master-plane onto the subordinated flat-rotational-plane. This sketch shows a flat horizontal section of the three dimensional exponential-polar-manifold taken at α = 0. How can anybody have ever hoped to understand the 3-D exponential-polar-manifold in two dimensions? It was always doomed, simply because it was utterly impossible. For understanding Quantum-Relativity (qr), we must abandon the neo-Pythagorean school's algebraic-gibberish-plane and adopt the new reality of FNN-theory.

Click on the above sketch to add in my FNN-theory notes, those will help you..

MIIS stands for Machine (electronic calculator) Induced Innumeracy Syndrome.

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