FNN theory details

The Gaussian-School of Higher-Arithmetic  (1831, updated 2022); tutorial #12a

Details in decrypting the flat arithmetic of the Universe from the ENN fount.

The Explanatory Notes.

Click on the above sketch to proceed with the arithmetic required for Quantum-Relativity.

Note 7) The rotational direction labels given above are in fact relativistically meaningless because in relativity both views (both the front view and the back view) of the flat rotational plane are both simultaneously valid. To quickly understand the back view of the number plane, think of a mirror. The mirror image forms a rotational inversion in the mirror plane. To see this; 1) stand with your back to a mirror, 2) wave large clockwise circles in the air in front of you, 3) look over your shoulder to see a strange image in the mirror of the back of yourself waving clockwise circles in the wrong direction. Or, even easier, look down on Earth from a position say 1 million miles above the North Pole and notice that the Earth is rotating in an anticlockwise direction, then trot round to a position 1 million miles above the South Pole and let me know what you see. Hence my thesis, even rotational direction is relativistic.

MIIS stands for Machine (electronic calculator) Induced Innumeracy Syndrome.

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