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Gauss-Newton Quantum-Relativity,   gnqr   (qr-physics)


A number of problems have been encountered with Einstein’s 1905 special theory of relativity. Many of these problems are well-understood by at least some physicists. Theoretical physics has compartmentalized itself into specialist subjects, possibly in order to avoid facing up to problems for which nobody appears to have any solution. No department of theoretical physics is tasked with repairing our interpretation of the special theory of relativity. One aspect of this is that this leaves some physicists complaining that there must be something wrong with Einstein’s General Theory. In fact, the opposite is the case, there is no problem with the General Theory at all. If we just fix one tiny little misunderstanding with our interpretation of relative-time, then every other problem simply goes away. 

Einstein's Attempt to Work with no Time-Anchor at all was quite Unnecessary.

All we know about time is that something that we call the present and something that we call the past fall further apart from each other in a dummy dimension that we call time. Newton explained that the choice of regarding a fixed past with a forward moving present, or to regard a fixed present with a falling backwards past, seems to be semantic. It is simply most convenient, in the absence of any need to adjust for relative apparent clock-positions, to imagine events in the past as being fixed in time. In fact, the only absolute clock position reference platform that is available for relative-time is the observer's present instant. Einstein was wrong to attempt to describe relative-time with no absolute clock reference platform position at all, in fact it was mildly eccentric of him, Newton would never have made this obvious foundational mistake. All one would need for a major overhaul of our interpretation of the special theory of relativity would be just one tiny problem. In fact, I count at least twelve gigantic show-stoppers, but here I will only list the six most glaring problems with Einstein's highly naïve and in fact, absurd, interpretation of relative time.

1) Einstein's interpretation utterly fails to explain the proton RMS charge radius to gamma wavelength discrepancy of about 250 times too small for explaining the proton charge face as an effective quarter wave dipole emitter of the gamma photon. The proton charge face exists at a gravitational space-scale compression of about 250 times with respect to free-space. The effective graviton radius is naturally zero, as it is still sitting beneath the very event-horizon of time-zero.

2) Physicists have developed a working theory of the universe requiring a discrete strong nuclear force. However, there is nothing discrete about this force at all; it is in reality just our old friend gravity working upon space-scales that are vastly too tiny for ordinary minds to contemplate.

3) Einstein's interpretation is utterly confounded by scientific observation with entangled quanta. We must expect a revised interpretation of the special theory that not only explains how this can be so, but actually explains why the instant-action over a distance must always be so.

4) Einstein's interpretation fails to explain why light appears slow in near-matter-space (glass etc.). We must expect a revised interpretation of the special theory, because there must be more space near matter than Einstein's naïve "flat-atomic-space " fan-club thought that there must be.

5) All matter obtains inverse (negative) gravitational energy with respect to what it would obtain in absolute intergalactic gravitational free-space and Einstein may not contradict that obvious Newtonian fact of life. In other words, either Einstein fails to understand the nature of space or he fails to understand the nature of time, because in the light of certain self-evident Newtonian logical facts of life, the square of the apparent-wave-velocity must be an inverse number (a negative number).

6) We know from Einstein's work with the General Theory, that the relativistically invariant definition of the metre must be 1/c seconds. Einstein had imagined that the so-called " speed-of-light " must be c times 1/c seconds per second, or a unit-less unity. So, Einstein did not understand what he was even thinking about, because space and time are definitely not the same thing. Therefore, a unit-less unity must be the wrong answer for the apparent-wave-velocity . Einstein quite simply failed to elect the correct interpretation of time. In fact, the poor chap passed away without ever realizing that another interpretation of the passage of history back into a now imaginary past, even existed.

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