Page three of the abstract

Gauss-Newton Quantum-Relativity,   gnqr   (qr-physics)

The grand unified time-field solution; Quantum-Relativity (gnqr, aka GUT).

The special theory of relativity becomes upgraded within the Quantum-Relativity reinterpretation into a correct understanding of time that solves all of the problems with existing false misconceptions of it. At its tiny beating heart, qr is so simple that one could cry. The proper units of space are of course time (the light time of flight) and this understanding of the true nature of space as being actually time, became embedded within all theoretical physics by about 1980. Since then, that understanding has formed our very definition of the metre; 3.335... nanoseconds (rather absurdly quoted by the CIPM in the numerical reciprocal as 1/c seconds).

The Newtonian gravitational mechanics consistent solution; Quantum-Relativity

The proper relativistic unit for what we presently call time is the imaginary historic depth in i-seconds. The apparent wave-velocity in Quantum-Relativity is shown to be 1.i0/-1i1. The square of the "apparent-wave-velocity", (1.i0/-1i1)^2 , being quite naturally inverse one, 1.i2 (-1). This is a Newtonian gravitational mechanics consistent velocity and of course, there were only two choices for the nature of time.

Therefore; the Quantum-Relativity interpretation of time is self-evidently correct and Einstein's 1905 interpretation of time must become rejected as being no more than an inexperienced and poorly educated young man's hopeless little day-dream over a matter that, as gifted, as well-intentioned and as hard-working as he obviously was, in fact lay vastly beyond his intellectual capability.

The practical application of qr-physics in Laser Optics and Photonics (quantum-physics ).

If one group of practical specialists benefit the most from Quantum-Relativity, then it is those working in the field of Laser Optics and Photonics  ( quantum-physics ). Quite how workers in the field of Laser Optics and Quantum-Physics can cope with a set of theories which fail to explain why light appears to slow in glass, leaves the author somewhat flummoxed. The apparent slowing of light in glass and other transparent media is fully explained within qr-physics by Albert Einstein’s excellent General Theory of Relativity, exactly as it now stands, but restated into the space units and the time units defined for us by Quantum-Relativity. Qr-physics is the new master-science of the 21st century.

Please scroll down to read footnote 1


In qr-physics , we must always refer to the "apparent-wave-velocity" rather than the "speed-of-light." Light jumps in quanta from the historic emitter, into the present detector or reflector; from the quanta's notional perspective, instantly. This presents merely the illusion of waves with an apparent-wave-velocity. The apparent-wave-illusion is a reflection of rotational effects that were actually taking place, only within the historic emitting aerial body. Understanding radio ground waves requires the qr-electron-space model and that is not even covered in this starter’s course web-site material at all, only the proton is covered. Get the proton-space model right and then all the rest is just “a walk in the park”.

Only the present instant (formed by quantum flashes from the past) actually "exists". We do not observe the present into existence, the past elects our present to become whatsoever our past choses for us to experience. If one focusses upon salient observation, one will never understand, salient observation in itself, is utterly irrelevant. 


The author is 74-years-old; he is happily married (but also happily separated) with four sons and eleven grandchildren. The author discovered the key solution that led to what he only now calls Quantum-Relativity (qr) at nine years of age. It was too great a burden for a nine-year-old to deal with and the author decided to leave the issue until later in his life. The author became an electrical engineer with his own company designing and manufacturing highly specialized electronic instruments for the energy industry. In 2007, the author sold his company and at the age of 57, he took up the full-time theoretical work that led, as a mere by-product of that overall work, to the development of what he now writes as a paper entitled "The Unified Theory of Numbers and the Arithmetic of Clocks", which new approach to number theory trivialises the apparently great puzzle of quantum-relativity.

The Unified Theory of Numbers and the Arithmetic of Clocks.

Your pre-qualification tutorial required for qr-physics; level-101; GUT, is now complete.

Only now may you START your study into the fascinating topic of qr-physics.

B Bieżanek accidentally tripped up over the GNQR time-principle in April 1959 and wrote it up in March 2021.

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