The Meta-Cybernetic model, p7

The Meta-cybernetic Model of the Generic Human Mind; page 7.

A meta-cybernetic opinion of negative numbers.

The meta-cybernetic model was not built with any thoughts of mathematics in mind, but it turned out to be an essential tool for analysing the two tiny changes needed for the new mathematics required in Quantum-Relativity (qr).

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Author's Notes:

Please take the complexity of my diagram with a pinch of salt. Each node might contain say seven neurons, my nodes do not refer to individual neurons. A typical human might have say 100 billion neurons and use about seven for each intelligent logical challenging and blocking node or muscle control node. However, we think that we only employ about 10% of that neural mass, providing us with huge redundancy. If having a large brain was important to intelligence, one would have to ask why the simple person and the genius both only develop the use of about two billion intelligent nodes each. This does not apply to the Chess Master, presumably those guys develop far more and can lose typically 5000 calories at a big match. No chess master can beat a computer, the human mind is definitely not suited to playing chess, it is a joke. The human mind is designed as a mistake making engine, it was designed (by its Creator) to be able to believe in whatsoever claptrap that it wants to believe in, for example; "playing chess well is important".

This Model of the Generic Human Mind was first published in 2021; read that original publication here.
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