The Gaussian-School of Higher-Arithmetic (1831, updated 2022); tutorial #21 page 9.
The Arithmetic of Clocks, page 9.
Here we can show our first definite value where zero-left (or zero-right) relative rotation intersects the zero relative magnitude circle of our exponential manifold. We can evaluate this to be equivalent to the flat number +1 because e^0 is one and it is aligned with our chosen numerical reference direction. Within this Gaussian School arithmetic there is no such number as "add-one", that remains as a valid arithmetical operation of course, but it should not be confused with being a pure number. The pure flat number +1 needs a new name, but this name is only "new" in the sense of the utterly ignored key paper, the 2nd letter of Carl Friedrich Gauss to the Royal Society, 1831. Within the Gaussian School of higher-arithmetic we must call this flat (non exponential) number "direct-one" (+1).