
the Gauß-Newton Quantum-Relativity, GNqr or GUT.

This should actually be called the (Aristarchus-Hero-Cardano-Copernicus) Galileo-Newton-Euler-Gauß-Maxwell-Bohr Quantum-Relativity, but that name was far too long, so we can elect the two most critical thinkers here, those are

Gauss and Newton  (with due apologies to Aristarchus of Samos, Hero of Alexandria, Copernicus, Niels Bohr et al.)

In the clearly stated view of JCF Gauss, from the age of about three-years-old, Einstein (and almost everybody else of course, but only Einstein matters) was accidentally hypnotized into becoming rotationally-challenged or rotating-fields-innumerate.

Continue with your pre-qualification tutorial required for qr-physics; level-101; GUT.
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