the mathematics

The Gaussian-School of Higher-Arithmetic (1831, updated 2022) ; tutorial #8. 

Quantum-Relativity (qr) .

Using the Gaussian School of Higher Arithmetic we can explain everything (see footnote), but first, before we explain everything else, one first needs to understand the subject of Quantum-Relativity (qr). Once one understands Quantum-Relativity, then I guess that most people will no longer even want to know about anything else, but everything else is there for you, if you find that you do still want to know.

Click on the above sketch to proceed with the arithmetic required for Quantum-Relativity.
Author's notes:

For a theory of everything (GUT) we must explain everything and not just a few tiny atomic-field details.

It is amazing to imagine all the stars in the galaxy and all the galaxies in the Universe and remember that our naïve analogue understanding of the Universe leaves us failing to understand dark-matter or how a single star in the entire Cosmos ever gravitationally condenses into existence in the first place.

None of this was Einstein's fault. When still very young, the poor child's mind was hypnotised by so-called "mathematicians" into counting things using an over-simplified version of number-theory that works fine for classical mechanics, but is completely useless for counting the Relativity of Nature.

Everything in so-called "cosmology" that depends upon the Special Theory of Relativity, as we presently interpret it, is hereby compromised with extreme prejudice. The Universe is exponentially older than the absurd three-Earth-age (i.e. instant-creation v2.0) figure that we come up with using the rotationally-frigid flat-earth-arithmetic of classical mechanics. With the Cosmic Microwave Background image we are observing galactic core-body cross-firing at a range of 295 billion light years off, 295 billion years ago. At that time, the Universe was already not less than 10^80 years old. The deep space red-shifting is caused by a macro-gravitational optical illusion of exponential apparent scale decay. The 13.8 billion year figure that we came up with is just the time-constant of the exponential energy image decay.

A big bang? Most definitely, but about 21 times further back in time than previously thought and definitely not creating any new matter. As its warm core becomes ignited by the cross-fire wave, each galaxy destroys about 98% its matter. Heavy debris from these eruptions falls in to form the so called black holes. Comparing a modern supernova to a single galactic core-blast is about the same as comparing a single toy pistol cap going pop to Castle Bravo. (a botched 6 mega ton nuclear test bomb that actually gave off 15 mega tons). How close can one get to a galactic core-blast and survive? That's the easy one, one needs to be say 295 billion light years away. The globe of cross-fire probably still continues to this day, now passing out through almost 1.2 trillion light years in diameter. The initial ignition probably occurred by two young warm galaxy cores colliding. This must have happened quite close to our own galaxy because we are rather close to the centre of the CMB. That would have happened locally at two times 295 billion years ago or 590 billion years ago. The cross fire wave is mainly very high energy proton plasma smoking along at far more that 99.9% of the so-called "speed of light". So the meat of the cross fire wave is mainly particles but travels at virtually c. Hence my doubling of the exponential depth of the CMB. It took 295 billion years to get from our local corner of the Cosmos where it all started to where it got to 295 billion years ago and then it took another 295 billion years to travel back to us as "light".

By employing the Gaussian School of Higher Arithmetic we can explain everything, even the relativity of the entire Universe, even the instant distant action found in quantum entanglement, even why light appears to slow in glass, even what matter is, even how the Universal time-progression illusion is projected; (history falls backwards from the ever-present standing quantum observation horizon at time-now;) even the dark-energy illusion, even the black-hole illusion, even black-hole formation mechanics, even why black-holes must form for terrestrial life to even become possible, even how the nuclear forces and gravity occur, even the real cause and age of the Cosmic Microwave Background, even what dark-matter is, even generic stellar and planet matter compaction mechanics, even the asteroid belt, even the presence of water on Earth, even the presence of the Moon, even the angular momentum of the gas giants, even the almost lacking Solar angular momentum, even how Mercury got smashed and lost her mantle, even where the gas giant moons come from, even why the crust on Venus is only 600 million years old, even the confirmed presence of Polonium-218 halos found within the ancient crystals entombed within the terrestrial granites, even the intergalactic gas fields, even galactic formation mechanics, even the formation of galactic angular momentum, even the fractal distribution of the primordial galactic concentrations, absolutely everything1.

So, if you wish to remain in utter childish scientific ignorance until death lets you off the hook, then do try to avoid studying mathematical reality. On the other hand however, if you wish to man-up and grow-up into a real human scientific-adult, then by all means follow my mathematical logic to the bitter end of it. I cannot seriously expect that any actual person will be brave enough to follow me, but where there is life there is hope and I have 11 young grandchildren who are also stuck inside this fabulous enigma. Just try playing the song on the footer bar of my webpages and then ponder, what lies at the true gravitational focus of this so-called "universe"? You do!

1:  All this refers to my 2013 book; "Cracking the Hardest Puzzle in the Galaxy"; ISBN: 978-0-9927314-0-3; now out of print and only available new ex stock in hardback form from the author direct at £184 each incl. UK postage. If requiring a copy, please contact the author using the contact link shown above. Only 50 copies were ever made and a copy could be a very good investment for any collector of extremely rare scientific books. 

Background photo; an hypnotically distorted view of "the Great Jewels of the Pleiades".

(At this trivial magnification, all distant stars should actually be represented by single pixels of light.)

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