Playing this piece by Ennio Morricone while you read here, might help you to understand the drama described on this page. (The fabulous Fender Stratocaster played by the amazing David Monk.)

Quantum-Relativity (qr),

the discovery of qr starts with Hero of Alexandria in the first century AD, but we can pick it up from Euler.

Click on the sketch above to proceed with the proper arithmetic revision required in the analysis of Quantum-Relativity.

Background photo; an hypnotically distorted view of "the Great Jewels of the Pleiades".

At this trivial magnification, all distant stars should actually be represented by single pixels of light. The absurd astrophysical crowd is always desperate for more funding, as if their work had any value. Leaving this natural feature of the CCD to portray the stars as if they were thousands of times nearer than they actually are, is a deliberate ploy to try and maintain public interest in a subject of which they are in fact sublimely ignorant. For example; despite 60 years of trying very hard with powerful supercomputers, they are no nearer to explaining how any star forms in the first place than they were in 1730. Despite my publication of "Mass Compaction Mechanics" in 2015, nobody was interested. Nobody actually wants to know because not knowing is far more profitable for them than the actual boring routine facts of the matter.

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