Welcome to: The Last Tango of the Finite "Graviton".
The Special Theory of Mathematics required in Quantum-Relativity (qr),
the discovery of qr-math starts with Hero of Alexandria in the first century AD, but we can pick it up from Euler.
Author's notes:
Why did Gauss do so little with his ideas about Natural (rotational) Number Theory? Well, this only turned out to be an important subject, after Maxwell published his work on electro-magnetic radiation and waves in free-space. Gauss died 23-years before Maxwell's work was posthumously published. However, I presume that Gauss thought that people were too intelligent to have the obvious facts of Unified Numbers spelled out for them explicitly. This was a big mistake, all other mathematicians, when compared to Gauss, turn out to be as thick as two planks.
When compared to JCF Gauss, the author here is also relatively thick, but not being a mathematician at all was the key to my interpretation of JCF Gauss, item C, para # 24 of his 2nd letter to the Royal Society, 1831.
One can see that any child hypnotised from the age of three into disregarding Gauss on negative numbers was placed into an impossible position. I was never hypnotised for the simple reason that from the age of three to the age of eleven, I taught myself arithmetic and higher arithmetic under home education. My grandmother was a wonderful woman, an English scholar, an historian, a retired professional teacher and a good financial investor, but math left her cold. She instructed me to teach myself mathematics; this was merely a favourable accident. Of course, being blessed in my youth with an IQ beyond the 200 mark did not hurt me either.
The IQ of Gauss? Not measurable, far beyond the 8 standard deviations level, an outlier at say once in the entire history of the planet Earth. I am only at the 99.90% level, for every million souls there is likely to be 1000 of my own intelligence or better, my own IQ (200 - 240 range) is as common as muck. In fact, every human has ready access to an infinitely intelligent inner mentor, their only problem is that they simply refuse to believe this.
There is great problem in communication between people of wildly variant intelligence levels. For instance, it is very hard for me to understand other people and why they understand so little. They learn a lot of impossible claptrap at University and then think that "understanding" that impossible claptrap makes them intelligent; it does not, it turns what could have been useful individuals into mindless zombies and enslaves them in their own hubris.
Background photo; an hypnotically distorted view of "the Great Jewels of the Pleiades".
At this trivial magnification, all distant stars should actually be represented by single pixels of light. The absurd astrophysical crowd is always desperate for more funding, as if their work had any value. Leaving this natural feature of the CCD to portray the stars as if they were thousands of times nearer than they actually are, is a deliberate ploy to try and maintain public interest in a subject of which they are in fact sublimely ignorant. For example; despite 60 years of trying very hard with powerful supercomputers, they are no nearer to explaining how any star forms in the first place than they were in 1730. Despite my publication of "Mass Compaction Mechanics" in 2015, nobody was interested. Nobody actually wants to know because not knowing is far more profitable for them than the actual boring routine facts of the matter.