subject area: Mathematical Physics - Quantum-Relativity (qr)

this site explains the newly uncovered integration for mathematics; prior to this work, our mathematics was fragmented.

section one: Prequalification for the Stephen Hawking Memorial Lecture.

Sometime in the 1990s, Stephen Hawking mentioned that he was working on a theory that treated space as if it was imaginary time. My thought at the time was that as he was so close to finally solving this gravity thing of ours, there would be no need for me to ever even get involved. Well, the poor lad made no further progress and eventually he died. In 2007, I decided to finally get off my high horse and take over from where he had clearly got stuck because this subject is not even very difficult. Well, I do admit that it might at first seem difficult for ordinary minds, however, our men of gravity, Aristarchus of Samos, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Eddington, Hawking and myself do not pay any attention to ordinary minds.

To proceed with Quantum Relativity (qr), click on the diagram shown above.

Background photo; an hypnotically distorted view of "the Great Jewels of the Pleiades".

At this trivial magnification, all distant stars should actually be represented by single pixels of light. The absurd astrophysical crowd is always desperate for more funding, as if their work had any value. Leaving this natural feature of the CCD to portray the stars as if they were thousands of times nearer than they actually are, is a deliberate ploy to try and maintain public interest in a subject of which they are in fact sublimely ignorant. For example; despite 60 years of trying very hard with powerful supercomputers, they are no nearer to explaining how any star forms in the first place than they were in 1730. Despite my publication of "Mass Compaction Mechanics" in 2015, nobody was interested. Nobody actually wants to know because not knowing is far more profitable for them than the actual boring routine facts of the matter.

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